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TeilnehmerP.S.: Any ideas wich are Achievment/Mission Complete WorldLoop cases?
TeilnehmerDONE! Made it! ( but in 0.8, because it opens AUTH and WORLD )
P.S.: Do we have the packets for Venture Explorer?
Diese Antwort wurde vor 9 Jahren, 3 Monaten von
Alanzote geändert.
TeilnehmerI was stupid, yes you need the LEVEL, just as a „startup“, in the rest, the client calculates for you.
TeilnehmerI figured out something about the LEVEL ( if you havn’t yet discovered )
In LU no need for the „LEVEL“ in the table, the client calculates your level by your Uscore ( legoScore in code ). I am doing something to get the value from MySQL. And then, the client does the rest! =)Alanzote
TeilnehmerI know that it wasn’t a skype conversation, we was exchanging information with TimTech in order to make the server work aguain. In few words, TEAMWORK. And I was helping, so I am contribuitor. You want me to understand your code? You can’t, only the onde who codded will understand the code 100%
TeilnehmerI quit, say thanks to „Xiphoseer“ for this.
TeilnehmerI used Xipho’s and I had no errors.
Developing something…
Teilnehmer@lego-king , yes, I had.
@happyangrycatfish , the latest one in jaller200 GitHub. ( I know it’s unstable, I commented the lines, but neither Login works! If something is allready perfect, why would you change it? )Alanzote
TeilnehmerResolved 5,
„1>EnvironmentalObject.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol „public: class DestructibleComponent * __thiscall EnvironmentalObject::getDestructibleComponent(void)“ (?getDestructibleComponent@EnvironmentalObject@@QAEPAVDestructibleComponent@@XZ) referenced in function „private: void __thiscall EnvironmentalObject::initializeObject(unsigned long)“ (?initializeObject@EnvironmentalObject@@AAEXK@Z)“
I have no idea on fixing that…Alanzote
TeilnehmerI fixed file not found, now i getting more 6 weird errors…
TeilnehmerIf I could resolve my „file not found“ errors, then, yes, LUNI will have another dev.
Diese Antwort wurde vor 9 Jahren, 4 Monaten von
Alanzote geändert.
„File Not Found: winsock2.h“
„File Not Found: ws2tcpip.h“-
Diese Antwort wurde vor 9 Jahren, 4 Monaten von
Alanzote geändert.
TeilnehmerI know the mission 1727 („Wake Up Call“) works, if we could complete others from the game, we can get full access to the world. Also, mission IDs must be implemented into server’s code in order to complete missions.
@legoclub what you mean about: „@Alanzote still doesn’t understand“, i said the the boot.cfg IS IN THE LEGO UNIVERSE CLIENT FOLDER, and it needs to configured with the IP, in order to play in any server.Alanzote
Teilnehmer@TimTech (@webman3) you could add all this numbers and stuff into a page in the „info“ section.
Teilnehmeryou just add them to the table, in charater, just add your char object ID and in Mission ID, you allready know what to add.
Diese Antwort wurde vor 9 Jahren, 3 Monaten von