@Timtech whats new in 0.8 alpha?
@HappyAngryCatfish i’m talking about terrain, i’m not sure if kee is tho
I was wondering this to, I wanted to get the models for the Maelstorm
@XYQuadrat How do I import the data base?
oh thx, late thx lol
And how do people even join DLU, just wondering I don’t have the skills to join or anything so i’m just wondering.
Is Jon and Jonny the same person.
So why is the logo contest still going on? if luni is dead and not being developed? and I cant wait for a DLU release!
Can I have a link to DLU community chat.
Wait so since your still having this contest luni is staying !!! there were rumors that it was dead and no one worked on it. BTW I vote #8
Everything that i’m talking about is about your server if you didn’t know I realized I never told you what exactly I was asking to help with lol
what happened to your website?
What are you currently working on, and if I can work with you, what would you like me to work on.
srry clicked submit twice
Idk where to post this considering your forums don’t work and I tried your original forum but I don’t think you use that but here it is:Hey egmo, I am really excited about this , even better news about the npcs im wondering if I could help in development I recently have been setting up my own lu server, but working on here would be better. BTW this is chooksta8 or hastyeybrowfridge when chooksta8 wasn’t approved. Thx for reading this.