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Moderator@Jarre To be honest, donations / other people won’t necessarily speed up the project as a lot of what we are doing is research, which is just time consuming (and a lot of us are in the workforce / college so we work on DLU in our free time).
As for people who originally worked on LU (presumably the devs you probably mean), they are under a lifetime NDA and so they cannot contribute anything without facing a lawsuit from LEGO. So unless one of them is willing to undergo all sorts of financial destruction, we’re not able to get information from them.
ModeratorHey @Meesja, great to have you join us!
As of right now, the whole community is awaiting the closed alpha release of our server – Darkflame Universe – at the end of this month. If you would like to keep tabs on the community, progress, etc, I recommend following @darkflameuniv on Twitter or checking
As for help, we are not currently taking more devs for DLU. However, if you really would like to help out with something, the LUNIServer source code is available on GitHub here. Mind you, it’s an older version, but at least you could become familiar with how (sorta) we initially designed the server.
If you would like to work on translations, I am not the best person to ask – try asking Kitty or Tim about that.
But anyways, glad to have you in the community!
ModeratorHey @connectthekings! Great to have you join1
As @Kittyjumpyphone stated, we have released our first trailer for DLU at the link above. While it shows some of our progress, it is not a comprehensive trailer (although I can’t go into what will and won’t be in the game ATM). If you want to find out more information, I suggest going to and follow us on Twitter @darkflameuniv.
Imma gonna go out of order, but I can definitely say my main minifig had tons of stuff (including some Mythran-only items such as the jetpack). I was Paradox, so I also had all of the regular / recolored items (plus the Wormholer, which was a boss inofitself :D). I honestly can’t remember the rest off the top of my head 😐
As to your second question, I mainly play LoL right now (with a little bit of MC – no shame :P). Not a huge PC gamer in general (more a developer), but still, tryin‘ to get good with Nocturne before school really kicks in.
Follow our Twitter page @darkflameuniv for your best chance to receive a key (although there is no guarantee that you will receive one).@everyone
As we progress through the various stages of alpha and beta, the number of people that we will allow to join will increase. So sit tight – this is gonna be an awesome year!– Jon002
ModeratorParadox. Definitely. Space Marauder was BOSS!
– Jon002
Moderator@averysumner, I can understand why people can think that, but trust me – DLU is very real. Fast? No :P. But real – yes.
Moderator@austintheepic, thanks for the question! I’m actually going to use it to explain in detail what’s going on. For your original question, LUNI is simply a community of LEGO Universe fans that have aided us in updating the game in the past. The LUNIServer project is still ongoing as the Darkflame LEGO Universe (DLU) project, started by Darwin. This project is closed-source due to various issues that would arise out of making it public (not least of which would be support / help, which we simply cannot handle right now).
We have made some amazing progress over the past year (I have personally witnesses / worked on it), but we are not ready to stage a release yet. It’s painfully long work, and many of us (myself included) are in college or have jobs and don’t have a ton of free time. Nevertheless, sometime in the next two years or so we should have something playable. The reason is that deadlines are hard to meet due to the nature of the server we are recreating, and thus we chose not to hold ourselves to them. The best way I can describe this is that it is done when it’s done. In addition, what we want is a working game. LEGO Universe is not a new game being developed from scratch – not only do we have to code a server, but we also have to figure out how data is sent between the server and the client or vice versa. Yes, lcdr and humanoid (the original creators of the server) have done a good deal of public research, but there’s still plenty that isn’t covered and must be deduced, which for many can take years (our team is good though!). So if we were to release now, you may be able to do some things, but more than likely you would have a lot of issues that we can’t help right now, so we want to make it playable first.
But don’t worry – LEGO Universe has not died. Now, I would highly urge people to live their lives as they wait for the project to be released (don’t let this hold people back in anxious waiting) but when we are done, y’all will be some of the first to know. Study in school, get jobs, go to college, but be watching for us. Listen – we want to open up as much as y’all as our team is small – terrible for playing an MMOG :P.
Moderator@Becool The main reason our team keeps DLU under wraps is for a number of reasons, especially deadlines. We’d rather have a functional game that takes 5 years to get working again rather than a junky game put together quickly that barely works in 2 years because of deadlines. But rest assured – there will be some release in the future. Can’t say when, but eventually there will be. Stick with us!
If you really think DLU is bad, check out Star Citizen. No deadlines, but it’s gonna be one of the coolest games when it’s finished! Take that as a model 🙂
– Jon002
Moderator@eloko Please do not spam on these forums. Next time you do so will result in a temporary ban.
– Jon002
ModeratorEgmo, I am going to close this topic until you take down your donation button. Donations are not allowed under Public Server guidelines and under the guidelines LEGO has sent us.
I am not trying to discourage public servers, but rather there are things we must enforce, and one of those is monetary policy with relation with the LUNIServer. I do not want there to be any legal issues here, and if LEGO has graciously allowed us to have these servers under certain guidelines, we must agree with their decisions. 🙂
Once you delete that donation button, this will be reopened.
ModeratorIn agreement with @kee225, any times of donations related to the LUNIServer source code is illegal. This forum should not promote any type of servers that will accept donations. I am going to update the requirements now, as donations can lead to a legal lawsuit which could be terrible for both the person behind a server as well as the LUNIServer community as a whole.
ModeratorHmmm… I would probably highly advise the use of a CAPTCHA for sign ups. Can’t believe this isn’t a requirement actually. But that would help a LOT with these kinds of attacks.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
ModeratorI totally agree with Xipho. While I understand there is somewhat of a rift between many developers, I agree that insults are pointless. We all have the same goal here: to play LEGO Universe again one day. I understand that there may be a rift between people from different teams (Egmo vs. DLU comes to mind) but I want to clarify that not everyone agrees with these differences.
While one of Egmo’s dev may have hacked a server (not pointing fingers), he is the only public server ATM, something that we are technically unable to do right now. We, on the other hand, while private, are such for a reason – in fact, we actually have a lot going on that I am excited to share (hopefully soon). But we haven’t been distracted by a community either.
I really want to make a point here – LUNI and DLU are completely different projects. DLU is a development team working on recreating a server for a game. LUNI is simply a community of fellow LEGO Universe players that all are excited to hear that there is a team recreating the game. I like to view it as a company and a fanbase – When Destiny was in the works, little was known about it, but that didn’t stop people from becoming excited and forming communities around it. It’s the same here – yes, one day (hopefully in the very near future) we will begin to release some of what we have made. That is our goal – LU is an MMORPG, after all. But until then, insults are completely pointless.
Answer the Call. Save Imagination.
ModeratorAh! I understand that, and I don’t mean to exclude people, but I am unauthorized to do anything without Darwin’s permission. All I know is that he wants to talk to Kelvin, but beyond that there is no plan ATM. If you want to, send me a request on skype so we can talk more about your developments though.
– Jon002
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