Verfasste Forenbeiträge
ModeratorHi Chris,
Ja, es ist möglich Lego Universe zu spielen. Schau einfach bei „Download“ vorbei und folge dem Tutorial. Jedoch können wir mit dem jetzigen Stand noch nicht alle Funktionen nutzen (z.B. Gegner und NPC’s sind noch nicht vorhanden). Teste es am besten selbst. Wie du vielleicht gemerkt hast, ist dieses Forum hauptsächlich Englisch. Wir haben aber auch eine deutsche Community (die aber auch auf Englisch schreibt).
As long as you hope, you can.
XYQuadratP.S.: Es gibt einen LU Chat auf Skype (auch Off-Topic, du bist gewarnt!), füge einfach mich (XYQuadrat) zu deinen Kontakten hinzu.
Moderator1. Did you downloaded the client?
2. Did you change your boot.cfg or used LUPatcher?
3. Did you started legouniverse.exe?XYQuadrat
ModeratorHi AceOfSpades,
Short answer: I think so.
Long answer: It should be, the worst thing that can happen is a server crash. Be prepared that there are many differences between these two versions. With 0.6 MySQL is introduced and much other things changed, but feel free to try out!By the way, LUNI is coded in C++ and MySQL. LU uses RakNet, so take a look at that as well.
As long as you hope, you can.
XYQuadratP.S: We have a community chat on skype, add XYQuadrat to get in.
ModeratorPlease give us some more information.
Which version of the server do you use?
What is the exact error?XYQuadrat
ModeratorBy Npc’s, do you mean, just quest givers, or does that include enemys?
I mean quest givers because enemys need many additional things like an AI.
And will quest’s and the such be available?
Work is in progress. It will come over time.
Also, are the pickups, like the flags and the collectable bricks, implemented yet?
No. In the unreleased version items can be given to a player, although not over smashing/collecting bricks-
I would also reccomend (WAY down the road) adding a place to add server IP’s.
Actually, there were two public servers avalible about a month ago. But because of the lack of doing anything they were closed until you can do more.I hope you got the answers and know more about what is going on.
ModeratorI think the bug that appeared in 0.6 still is there. There isn’t a way to workaround these, unless you modify the source (or don’t use this versions).
ModeratorIt should be in a SQL folder in the server.
If not, download 0.6 and try the SQL file of this version.XYQuadrat
ModeratorHi CaptClockobob,
Nice to meet you! In 0.6.1, you can create your own characters and visit worlds. But there is actually a new version in development, featuring multiplayer and NPC’s. Don’t be too excited about that, release will take time. If you have any further questions, just ask.
As long as you hope, you can.
XYQuadratP.S: We have a community chat on skype, add XYQuadrat to get in.
ModeratorStep by step.
1. Download XAMPP.
2. Start Apache and MySQL.
3. Go to localhost/phpmyadmin.
4. Click „Import“.
5. Import the .sql file form the server.
6. Press ok.
7. Start the server.XYQuadrat
ModeratorOh no! I forgot to say that our community chat is on Skype. (Really? Why did I forget that?)
You can also ask someone in the chat about the server, I’m sure somebody have it.November 8, 2015 um 9:26 am Uhr als Antwort auf: I Just Downloaded nexus2.zip What do I do now? #2034XYQuadrat
ModeratorIt seems that you have the same folder on your desktop twice. Try to extract nexus2.zip to another location, or rename it.
ModeratorHi Fearnbuster,
Just wanted to say that we have a community chat, add XYQuadrat to get in if you want. I’m by the way XYQuadrat (whooaaa.). I’m not really a dev (Webdesigner yes, but that isn’t important here) but understand most questions.
Nice to have you here!As long as you hope, you can.
ModeratorHi Zottelx,
Nice to see you! Translating is always good, maybe start with luni.info. If you want to learn C++, go ahead and do it, but be warned: It’s not easy to modify something in the server cause there are also MySQL and RakNet parts. But you doesn’t need to do anything, you can also just be a member and help other people. If you want to join our community chat on skype, add XYQuadrat.
As long as you hope, you can.
XYQuadratP.S: Noch mal ein Deutscher 😉
ModeratorTrashed topic „How do I contribute“ cause it violates rule #2 of looking at Github.com first.