LegoClub, please relax and get used to the way things progress. Don’t be a redsuperhero. If you don’t know who redsuperhero was he was a guy who joined Tim’s posted about 100 times a day about how progress was and be just eventually burned himself out and disappeared.
Just play 0.5… 😛
You can change your spawn location but that’s not really a simple easy thing that everyone wants to explain to the community all the time. 😛 But I can give you a tip. If you start hitting space around 80% loading your jetpack will start and you won’t be on the bottom by the time you login. Because I know flying all the way back up to the VE sucks. So yeah just start hitting Space around 80%.
Some of the basic questions about the libmysql and importing the database would be nice. Those seem to be the commonly asked questions.
Like I said in another post 0.5 does the same stuff. I also recommend Jonny’s Easy World Changer with that. Right now you could technically host a multiplayer server but you can’t see each other or chat so that’s rather pointless. I’d just download 0.5.1 and use that for now.
Wouldn’t expect to find it on the internet really but always a chance I suppose.
Yeah lots of spam by people who just need to read FAQ.
You can’t see each other in 0.6 either. Unable to connect to database means you didn’t import it. So you need to use xampp or something like that to import the database.
You can’t downoad LU from the disc anymore.