I’m still wondering, when I use the server IP instead of “reborn.luniserver.com”, it says “Connecting to Authentication” for a few seconds, and when I DO use “reborn.luniserver.com”, it instantly says the error message, and the Connecting to Authentication doesn’t show. Does this mean “reborn.luniserver.com” is the right thing to use? Do I have to break my index finger to get past the login screen?
Thanks to you too, Prodigy_XD! I’m gaining hope again, I’ll make sure to try your idea!
Alright, this time I’ll put in more of an effort to get into the server. Thanks :]
So I’ll just have to be patient and keep trying until it loads?
Ok, so is there a way I can be notified about when the servers are up or down? Or can I just check the LU Reborn website now and then?
For some reason the edit option wouldn’t show up, so I have to make another message for this.
Also I’m assuming it has something to do with the boot file, maybe I put the server’s IP in the wrong spot?
I’m trying to connect to this server’s IP:, but every time I try I get the same error. This is happening at the login screen for when you start up the game.
Alright, but if the issue continues I’ll try a higher version.
Never mind, I got the game to work, but it’s in another language, how do I change it to English/US?
I’m using a Windows 7 professional, and where can I find this unzipped nexus2 from? I know where to get the torrent, just not the unzipped file.