Forum Replies Created
ModeratorMater, I think he reffered to the DLU acronym issue, not matt’s comment.
ModeratorSeriously Timtech, he told you not to host it at all!
ModeratorLUNI is dead, LU development is not. And ‘Xiphoseer and others’ is so incomplete, it hurts. This way of telling stories is what killed LUNI.
ModeratorAdding to HAC here, Timtech wants luniserver to stay a commmunity, waiting for a server advertising that such projects exist. This is likely why it’s not pronounced dead officially. No LUNI development has ever really used luniserver.com.
ModeratorYou said:
New here just wondering what the current progress is on the servers, mobs, quests, etc.
Do not ask when features/the game will be done or if they will be done soon.
is the relevant is what he closed your thread for, I guess.
But I do agree with you that, the way you asked might not be prohibited by the rules. Ideally, HAC should have updated the forum rules thrad with an explanation on why your thread has been removed, but I can understand why he didn’t.
Your question boils down to “What is the state of everything in the original game?”. Which is identical with “What is the current state of this project?”. However it sounds a lot like “How far is it until we are feature-complete”, which is technically the exact opposite of your question and therefor the answer to both of these are identical meaning you can answer both questions with “What have we done” or “What have we not done”.
This “What have we not done” or “How far until we are feature complete” is what we dislike and prohibit with the rules. We can’t tell people how far away that point is, it might even never arrive. 100% done is not realistic. It’s this underlying expectation of completeness, that drives people crazy.
And you are not the first one to ask that question. There are more ways to find out what is going on, and just posting a topic like “Hi there, I would like YOU to take YOUR time to get ME up to date” is not what moderators like to see. I find it arrogant actually. There are multiple topics explaining that you can contact XYQuadrat to get into a Skype Group, where you will learn what this project offers at the moment within minutes.
But If you want a short answer:
LUNI is no longer in active development, but other projects are.
If you want a long answer, visit:
https://xiphosia.wordpress.com/2015/12/07/a-bit-of-backstory/Or now that I think about it, what you asked for is most closely represented by
(adding multiplayer, mail, custom characters, …, just ignore the LEGOCLUB branch) (login, then click the link again)Xiphoseer
ModeratorEinerseits verstößt deine Frage gegen die Forenregeln, die du gelesen haben solltest, andereseits ist “spielen” schwer zu definieren.
1. Das LUNI Projekt wurde von allen Entwicklern verlassen, Erklärungen dazu auf Englisch unter http://xiphosia.wordpress.com, vielleicht schreibe ich auch noch was auf deutsch.
2. Man kommt in die Welten, aber vieke Systeme funktionieren einfach noch nicht.
3. Es arbeiten trotzdem Leute an LU allerdings nicht im Rahmen von LUNI. Jonnys Server der unten verlinkt ist ist eine Möglichkeit, DLU wird in Zukunft wahrscheinlich relevanter sein.
ModeratorI’ve written a blog post on the backstory of LUNI, I hope this clears up some things.
ModeratorOk, since my original post was written at 1am, when I didn’t know what to do, i’ll try to respond in a more mature way now.
1. 100 posts was a guess. But not very irrealistic. With a bit of searching, I found as much as 45 posts on 4th of April 2015 by the same person (http://timtechsoftware.com/lego-universe-installer/comment-page-45/#comments). I’m sure there are longer post chains. It’s not the precise number that is annoying, but that it is everywhere. I’m also talking about this kind of situation (https://github.com/LUNIServer/UniverseServer/issues/16) where people, spam an issue tracker simply because they don’t understand my code. I didn’t even get a chance to see that conversation before they had 25 posts going. And then there is the Skype Group for LUNI, where the community hangs around, which is off-topic 75% of the time. (Or discussing things that have been discussed before). I’ve seen as many as 800 messages after not having looked at it for a day.
2. Yes, developers may feel abused if people expect them to develop. The important thing here, is that we work on LU in our FREE TIME. We are not paid, and not employed by anything that would require us to develop. We work on LU because we love developing and the game we work on. And if you act, as if we owed you a game you can play, that abuses the energy and time we invest in it. Especially since nearly nobody now seems to be interested in the fact that the most requested feature in the past was multiplayer.
3. “…Yeah, we have the first real progress on remaking LU since it closed down – and the majority of the servers opened after luniserver.com became a thing. That’s a definite failure if I ever saw one…”. Timtech has tried to set up a public server since before luniserver.com was a thing, but he failed. The statement “we have the first real progress on remaking LU” is just plain wrong. DLU had multiplayer before LUNI. The servers here could open, because I made it work. But my work is based of humanoid/lcdrs excellent documentation, who have started gathering knowledge shortly after LU closed down, and way before luniserver.com was launched. You may argue that we have servers now. But I’ve experienced that the progress really slows down when you get sidetracked to set things up for the community like the CMS I wrote every single one of you is using when registering on Jonnys server.
4. The thing with YouTube, advertisement, going public or closing down is, that the server is not playable. You can walk around and maybe smash things, but there is really nothing that remains when you log out. Items are cheated, you fly around, that’s not what the game is about. The idea, that DLU has, is opening a public server as soon as January 2016 if we meet our expectations. There is absolutely no use in having multiple servers with unexperienced admins, if you can have a server that is always state of the art. I know Jonny seems to provide that, but there are systems in the background that you might not know they exist, but are very important to make any progress.
5. People do thrive of a supportive community, challenge, maybe even popularity or pressure. But what you see the most around here is “When is this done” or “It doesn’t work for me”. This is just sad. I would like to work on a public project, but I can’t deal with what feels like ignorance to me.
6. “You wouldn’t be able to know if they’re working on it, if they’re finished, if anything is even being done.” I interpreted this sentece as a fear that people may not work on it. I get that it doesn’t mean that, but playing LU in the end is still the final goal. And Darwin uploads videos to YouTube occasionally if you want to see proof.
7. DLU is different from LUNI, that’s why you don’t get information on what it does here. DLUs main target is LU veterans, mostly gathered in the original LUR skype group. Darwin will ocasionally post updates there. But he has no interest in the community on this site.
8. I like your (@Buggot) answer to #6. I could just walk away, and maybe should at times. But I don’t like it when people start getting wrong ideas about what this is, so I’ll post stuff like that.
9. A good way to read about LUNI (which spawned DLU initially) is probably http://luniserver.sourceforge.net/forum2/index.php. But you won’t find much about DLU itself.
10. The project was open source on SourceForge. Timtech uploaded the server to his site which made Raffa rage and burn, then Jon002 and some others moved to timtechsoftware.com and GitHub. People REALLY SHOULD STOP guessing that things are simple. Timtech tried to give the community what they wanted, following his ideals. He is not a developer, but he choose to ignore those who were. Then a flamewar started and poeple went insane, creating polls like on here: http://luni.wikia.com/wiki/LUNI_Wiki. The most mature reaction was probably by humanoid/lcdrs again, who chose to stay quiet, work by themselves but publish an amazing documentation for others to work on LU too.
11. It’s true that Timtech brought a lot of us here. I came here that way too, but I’ve since learned about the LUNI history, and I’d rather have things work out differently.
12. Yes we do have communications in DLU, and yes, this site would be the worst place to discuss working on DLU.
13. I agree with the general idea of closed projects dying. I was lucky to find the nearly abandoned code open source to work with. If DLU were to die, I would probably publish what I have (depending on the way it dies and what Darwins opinion is). But I can assure you, it’s not dying at the moment.I hope this clears up some confusion.
Sincerely, @XiphoseerXiphoseer
ModeratorBuggot, that’s the most ridiculous and just plain wrong post i’ve see in a while.
1. 3-4 a week? There have been people with 100 posts a day.
2. It feels abusive for a dev if people always only want more.
3. If DLU was not making progress, why would people loving LU quit to work with it?
4. Handpick from the community happens. Just nobody will ever pick an annoying noob.
5. There is communication for testers and YouTube videos for DLU, just not public.
6. “No matter how annoying people get” LOL, good luck with reality. There are even psychological illnesses if it gets serious.
7. People have tried open projects. And the people here shows it’s worth nothing at all. Go learn some LUNI backstory.I can’t help but laugh at how wrong and misguided you post is. This is a game for kids. We don’t have a mature community to work with. Belive me, I’ve tried.
ModeratorJust waiting is never a good decision I guess. I’m starting to believe that these mails are real, though being sceptical on what they really mean, or in other words, what value these statements by customer support have. But i’d prefer do stuff instead of putting everything on that one card.
Moderator1. Don’t use the zip files name as a pth, these numbers are just hilarious.
2. You need to set up a database with your hoster, local XAMPP will not work that way.
3. Just don’t do it, if you already fail there.Xiphoseer
ModeratorBecause if you do it in public which LUMI did, people will try setting it up without the necessary experience, fail miserably and annoy the devs about it. You get sidetracked with community stuff and actual development looses focus. Would the community just shut up, be patient and be helpful in contributing, but a LEGO game has not the right audience to make that work. And these annoying ones are the ones you hear the most. And honestly this “I’m not even a dev but go advertise people” is just silly. And most people in here don’t care for the project but for wanting to play LU, which is a massive difference and exploits the project.
These are facts, think about it.
And for joining DLU: you can’t. If you are good, if you prove to have skills, if you are a nice and not annoying person, people might invite you to their private project. But there is no way to join. This applies to almost every closed project.
This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by
ModeratorThis is precisely the reason why it doesn’t have one and will not create one.
Moderator@chooksta0, there is none!
ModeratorOk, i’m fairly certain, that this proves that you have recieved a Message from LEGO Customer Service on 30/11/2015 20:13. What i’m not certain about is the content. I feels a little silly, depending on if this proves real or not, but let me explain:
You didn’t follow all of the rules described in my imgur post. You didn’t include a noisy backround and didn’t use windowed mode. You also did not use black squares to blank out sensible information. It’s not full resolution and your image also has a blank padding of 25px on the left of your image, which means that it has been manipulated more than just blanking out names and adresses.
The relevant text has again a different size than the original, but this might fit, if on of them has no size specified and the rest has, and then differ depending on the client you use. However the selection of text to have in a different size is weird, because the “Kind regards” is not included.
Also, your scrollbar is only a third of the possible length, meaning the e-mail continues for twice as long. What does the mail contain down there? In such cases, you’re supposed to scroll down an present multiple screenshots with their contents overlapping.
Finally i’d like to know why you blank out the name and e-mail of the LEGO Service account. I kind of counted on the fact that I would be able to see the e-mail address. If you want to show that, click on the start and hit ‘Delete’. You can add the contact back after taking the image.
I don’t see why you would need to post the header as another image, since it’s exactly the same as in the full image.
I’m sorry, but i’m very picky with such details!
PS: I think the person that answered you is called “Jonathan”
This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by
This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by