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What are you talking about? This was resolved a long time ago. And the points and things you are talking about have already been addressed and concludedBuggot
Participante@HappyAngryCatfish I don’t know what you’re trying to say/argue anymore. Thanks but it’s all good, I got the explanation I needed from Xiphoseer, ho knows a lot more
Thanks for the explanation and the blog post. Things seem a lot more clear now. I agree with most of your replies and that, yes, we should probably keep DLU discussion elsewhere. Appreciate you clearing up a lot of confusion and an honest answer.
Also, agreed with the Timtech stuff. I didn’t know what had actually happened until I read your post, and then researched more deeply about it and found out what had happened.
Thanks again for the clarification. I found more about this DLU, found what I needed, and it looks like genuine working progress, so I’ll try to be in touch or involved if I can. Keep on working at it.
Participante1. Okay, so what changed?
2. And? I wasn’t addressing him as much as addressing the people who talked about it on here
3. People wouldn’t know about it without the Youtubers, correct? I’m saying if they completely closed it off like the vibe I am getting right now. If I am misguided, then let me know. It’s what I’m getting from everyone on here so far.
@Xiphoseer Okay.1. Where? On this website? There are barely any this last week, like 6 new topics made total? I might have been exaggerating, but it’s nowhere close to the amount of posts other sites get. Show me! And if anything, my point still stands. Just ignore, or make a general statement that most posts will not be answered (if you feel like doing so)
2. Depends on the dev. Some thrive off of the community and «popularity», or «pressure», and some like doing it alone, only showing the result and not the progress. If the core of DLU feels that way, then so be it.
3. I never said it was not making progress. I think you got the wrong gist of what I was trying to say. Maybe you could read it again? I’m not trying to pick fights here.
4. Okay, cool. The only reason I voiced this is because from the initial reading of these threads, I don’t get that kind of vibe.
5. Again, didn’t get that vibe from whatever posts/threads were on this site. I assumed that there was no communication whatsoever. Things could be handled better on here to resolve that, but I’ll take it as it is.
6. How stressed are you from this? Just curious, because when all things come to a close you can just walk away from the computer… And this is not reality, because this is an online message board. You can’t compare it to reality because you can just quit this while you can’t quit reality.
7. Okay. UnderstandableYour whole argument makes much more sense when you explain it, because I only read the things on this forum, and I got a completely different hostile vibe form the whole situation. My apologies if it hurt you in some way, mistake on both parts.
You probably could have handled my post in a more mature way, but as you say, this IS a game for kids. I should stop expecting so much maturity and just take things as it is. Thanks for trying to work with those people for so long then. Looking to research more about DLU and get the full story of what’s going on.
ParticipanteTo be honest, if you wanted to you could ignore the community. But making this closed source puts people off because they don’t know whether it exists or not. I’d rather people annoy me but support me and be there, knowing that what I am doing actually will benefit people in some way. Putting this completely behind curtains closes off the community and doesn’t help you at all. I don’t mind closed source, but when a group just completely goes off the radar with a few vague «We’re working on it, but don’t want anyone in or knowing anything about it», wouldn’t you just lose hope? You wouldn’t be able to know if they’re working on it, if they’re finished, if anything is even being done.
Pretty sad that it’s turned out this way. If I am telling the truth, before you all decided to move or whatever there wasn’t even a big problem. People were asking questions and what not, but there was like 3-4 a week, if ANY??? This isn’t like some big thing where hundreds would ask a week how to do this and that and what all.
We are all bonded by the love for LU. Closing your doors is IMO the wrong way to go. Set up some communication at least. No matter how annoying I or others can get, it all comes from our love of LU. We want this to happen, we want to help you, we want to see you succeed. If the worst comes to worst, revamp the whole project, delete LUNI and go with DLU, but involve some of the community, slowly handpick and open yourselves up more and more after you have gotten a core group. Doing so will greatly benefit the future of development and team morale altogether.Buggot
ParticipanteSo has this been fixed?
ParticipanteDon’t like it at all. Should be focusing on actually getting more people first. This situation happens a lot with growing games, there’s some type of «create your own, invite your friends» kind of thing, then the whole game declines because the people are so scattered across tiny servers. Idea is okay but too soon right now. Get functionality in, or at least hold this to one side until the community is stable and growing at a larger rate. Also, people would probably make their own servers instead of paying to host one. Not too difficult.
ParticipanteDid CDFalcon’s website change? I can’t access it
ParticipanteI think the IP has changed or something, seems to be down.
ParticipanteCDFalcon did your IP address change? I can’t reach the website to register.
ParticipanteSo everything is extracted. What do I do now? Which application should I launch? Should I launch the installer, or the patcher, or the client?
ParticipanteThat doesn’t work either. I decided to use uTorrent to do it. Now that uTorrent has finished downloading it, I am currently extracting it without any problems now. We’ll see if it works.
ParticipanteI am using 7ZIp to try to extract the files, but I get «Data error in ‘nexus2\client\awesomium.dll’. File is broken
and I get 755 other errors, mostly saying «Unsupported compression method for ____»Buggot
Participante5.32 GB