This website isn’t responsible for the stability of LEGO Universe Reborn. Most likely this is just an issue with Egmo’s server as they haven’t quite got the kinks what out of what has been added.
@WheresMyMailbox There are no ‘security reasons’ I’m fairly sure of that. It has to do with not being able to accept the beginning mission.
By world files are you referring to the terrain?
You are suppose to type /testmap (World ID)
Yeah it’s a good idea just to make a trash password for the public servers. Also might recommend a disposable email unless you want people making off with your email.
@WheresMyMailbox You do realize he lists available languages right…..?
Download the torrent.
@WickedGC Just because highly respected/regarded people are there does not make it sensible. I myself left ages ago because the chat wasn’t even near on topic or even sensible. It was just people trolling newbs.
You do realize you just took a stab at a long dead debate?
It’s not called Darwin’s LEGO Universe.
You will receive more frequent crashes from asset errors on Nexus2. BlastClient is recommended and the way to go.
Download failed.
More details please. Such as public server or personal. If personal which version.
The client was made by LEGO. No one is working on a client. What is there is there.
No, it is quite safe.