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ModeratorOk, my first reaction was, that this seems plausible. However, there are some details, that make that decision not quite clear. Firstly, the LEGO logo in your image is blurred in the to left corner, but perfectly aligned to the pixels on the bottom and right side. The beginning of ‘To:’ is blurred in a similar way along with the line at the top of the e-mail. Blurring should not happen with a screenshot. The main paragraph containing your claimed answer has a lightly bigger font-size than the rest of the e-mail. Also, your image only contains the mail itself, without the sending address or any information on the e-mail client around it. This means, you could technically have copied a real e-mail from customer support and adjusted the height of the content block to fit any text into there. Finally, the way you blank out names and addresses is not ideal, because it retains shadows around where the text has been and normally you blank out text with black bars and not trying to hide that anything has been there.
You text does not contain any information on the customer service employee responsable for sending that e-mail, nor does it contain any kind of footer about LEGO (e.g. a privacy disclaimer). In addition to that, a person very experienced with the english language agreed with me that this style of writing is similar to a chain letter.
If you say, you were not the only person getting this kind of e-mail, why don’t you provide a direct link to the topic on the LEGO message boards, so we can easily verify if people have indeed recieved these e-mails.
I’m sorry to say that, but until you can provide a detailed explanation to why these details are off, I can’t fully believe you. Plus, it is unlikely that posting the exact same image with just these errors corrected will convince people, you will need to post an image even more truthful to make us believe you.
To help you get a truely convincing image, look at the following example:
http://imgur.com/BlTjaIBConcerning DLU, it being closed means there is no way for people to get involved. It does neither have a website nor does it have a public repo, so the only thing you can do is to wait.
This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by
ModeratorDebug is just starting it from within Visual Studio with the “Debug” configuration.
ModeratorI joined, because DLU has
– more experienced programmers
– more knowledge about the server
– is ahead of the LUNI source
– is closed away from noobs
– has a clear policy on when to give out stuff (never)Xiphoseer
ModeratorHello @mariofly5,
welcome in the world of LU development. Be informed beforehand, that I am the developer who took LUNI a step further this last summer, but that I have recently joined another project called DLU, which is far more likely to move ahead in the future. This does not mean that the LUNIServer community will disappear, it will likely stay a place where people can try out existing software until some group releases a server that’s ready for the public.
I have read your post, and am genuinely interested in what significance it has. The LU community has at multiple occasions sent requests to Lego about the possibility of reviving the game. These discussions have led to the clear situation, that Lego will NOT revive Lego Universe, but that projects to revive it are allowed as long as there is no commercial gain through LEGO’s intellectual property.
In addition to these mails, there have been multiple attempts by some people to pretend Lego would act in favor of reviving LU, or taking certain actions like forcing a group to make their work public and available for everyone. As far as I know, none of these attemps have had any real significance and the people presenting them were not able to prove their claims by any means.
This means, that I am quite sceptical whether your email conversation is real or not. To be more precise, the statement “If enough people send us these types of emails, it could make a big difference.” is VERY unlikely to come from a real customer support, because that would mean much more work for them.
So if you want other people to trust your claims, you would need to prove the validity of your claim, by e.g. posting a high resolution screenshot of that e-mail in your inbox (you may blank out your name in that image), or uploading the *.eml file you get when saving the E-Mail (again with your name blanked out). These can be faked, so you’ll still need to convince us that you tell the truth. Furthermore, any attempt to say you can’t prove it (deleted the e-mail, server error, …) will make other people think, your claim, this e-mail is real, is untrue.
I hope you understand my doubts, still, it would be great if it was real.
This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by
ModeratorJonny’s work is based on LUNI, but he works on his own now. This forum is not associated with him now. Also he needs to get his hosting sorted first.
ModeratorThis post is against the forum rules by asking if there will soon be major updates. As it probably was with the deleted one. And no, no updates will come because nobody works on LUNI.
ModeratorThat is one of the most common misconceptions around here: Timtech is not a developer, he once said that he barely contributed 100 lines of code and the project has way above 5000 i’d say. Never counted the though, but I’m fairly certain.
Jonny is likely the only dev still working on LUNI, i’m working on my own for the moment. Jon002 does not work on LUNI anymore.
This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by
Moderator@CrownedComedian, i’d say it’s technically self-advertising, but your videos are really good! Thanks for posting them here (though it’s kind of the wrong thread, may move the post later).
ModeratorThere are no instructions on it, and since it will only work with the in-dev source ( > 0.6.3 ), no support will be provided.
ModeratorYeah, that was current before I joined, that’s why I linked the new one in my first post in this thread. I don’t know what IM means exactly, but it’s highly unlikely that it means Instant Messaging. There is strong evidence against that.
ModeratorNot sure what repo you use, http://github.com/LUNIServer/UniverseServer is the most current one. It has the features you asked for. The Community chat on Skype is not what I meant im terms of dev conversations, but it’s a start. It’s mostly off topic though. If you want, you can add me (same username) on Skype. Regarding IM: you don’t need it at all, but if you stumble upon it, you’ll know enough to understand the difficulties in developing LU. So I won’t tell you where to look, that’s the point of it and it wouldn’t gain you anything.
ModeratorIs https://luniserver.com/tutorial/server-0-5-1/ not step by step enough? But yes, providing information is in no way prohibited by the forum rules, just asking silly/annyoing questions, or trying to make others think for you is what we try to prevent.
ModeratorThe client source the documentation refers to is a decompilation of legouniverse.exe. However this is not available anywhere, since the legality of it is not quite clear. The files you see may be artefacts from a decompilation project and don’t seem to be part of the original client. The other files that are in the client folder are not source code, the do however contain some useful assets that help/are necessary in creating the server (e.g. information objects and worlds).
I doubt that these decompilation artefact files will be of that much use, looking into that a bit, we might find some interesting strings that tell us more about the inner workings of LU, but unless you are experienced with bytecode, that won’t lead us much further.
ModeratorHi, @Fearnbuster, welcome at LUNI. If you want to have a look at the source, head over to github.com/LUNIServer/UniverseServer and download the source to get used to it.
Having C++ knowledge is really great, however keep in mind that the major difficulty in this project is to understand how the server is supposed to behave, what packet structure it needs, and where to get appropriate data from. Absolutely have a look at this, a public documentation on many of the packets.
If you have specific questions about the server, feel free to ask, however general support questions and stuff in the FAQ will not be answered. Not wanting to discredit him, but TimTech is not a developer, he manages the community on this site, but development happens mostly over Skype.
Don’t get your hopes up too high for a fully open source project. On several occasions, people around here proved that they expect much more of the project than it currently has (although it is being worked on), so public development mostly led to annoying people, anger and frustration. Most development teams that work on LU are therefor working privately, and for various reasons, I can’t really push code at the moment either.
But don’t get me wrong here, i’m not trying to discourage you. Get the source, and look through it, if you prove to be qualified enough to make real progress and are an appropriate person to work with, you can get in touch with us and we’ll see what happens! I’d like to have a real open source project too, but a this point it just isn’t working.
One very important tip to you and anyone wanting to work on LUNI: We are beyond the point of introducing stuff into the server wherever we think it fits. The greater schemes slowly become apparent and just having a field in the database and sending that value to the client doesn’t do the trick. So don’t bother fixing that up, it’s not valuable and would need to be changed at some point anyways.
If you want, here is a personal task from me: Find anything related to the “IM”. I only just found out about it myself, it’s nowhere in the source code or client files (afaik) so don’t be disappointed if you don’t find anything.
By the way, I haven’t introduced myself, please excuse me.
I’m @Xiphoseer, Developer,
working on LU since summer of 2015Xiphoseer
ModeratorYes, the client sends a message when you level up, the server needs to catch that and update the database accordingly.
This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by