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Etiquetado: petition
I got a 404 when opening that page ChompinDinosaur. Also I would be interested in the petition, because there is nothing to lose from it and the old one was made before LU even closed.
By the way, is NOT a place to post petitions.
I think the link is broken…
Ill see if i can fix the link
Well, It works for me it might just be that im logged in so i can see it.
I really don’t want to be the party crasher, but Lego will not bring back LU with a petition. Mainly for 3 reasons:
1: They already know we want it back, a letter wont change that.
2: Its been dead for quite a few years: they would have brought it back by now.
3: TBH, these emails seem like brush offs. «I will pass it on to the people that worked on LU.» Well, in case you haven’t noticed, almost every single person (excluding the community managers and advertising people) have either been let go or no longer work with Lego.
CDF is right you know.
I guess you guys are right, thanks for the input.
I mean I suppose we could do it but LEGO probably wouldn’t accept it even if we reached or even surpassed our goal.
True. It’s probably not worth the time. Maybe a different approach?
Yeah, hit it where it hurts man.
@Timtech we could raid LEGO, and steal there server files. Yes? no?…
Also, I just found this: which suggests that lego has flat out replaced LU.
Hey Tim, the idea for signing a petition is great but I feel as if we also need to have a higher goal than 10,000 signatures. We have to keep in mind that the primary reason as to why LEGO closed Lego Universe was because of the fact that they did not have enough players/subscribers to fund their servers. This means that we will need to have much more than 10,000 signatures for LEGO to possibly accept.
Also what is Plan B if signatures don’t work? How else could we convince LEGO to open Lego Universe back up? Anyways those were just a few things for this but also I think we should have some advertising for LUNIServer and Lego Universe Reborn? This could also help us gain more support!
Thanks for reading!
– Prodigy
I made one if you want to use this one.
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