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Hey XYQuadrant
Whoops, just read that statement that you put out a while ago. Didn’t realize that LUNI wasn’t being developed any more. But I do want to receive word on when DLU will be opened for testing. Are you going to put that out here on the forums?
We don’t know. Xiphoseer, a guy who is posting here as well, is a developer of DLU. Maybe he will announce testing.
Greetings, fellow players!
I’m Daniel. Currently 14 year’s old student from Latvia. joined community to relive greate memories from 4 years ago (when i was 10) playing lego universe.
Hope everyone has gr8 time and adventures in Lego Universe.
Only thing is that mostly when i can play server is offline :/
Last but not least i wan’t say that developers have done incredable job making Lego Universe playable again 😉
Were you ‚White‘ on Overbuild server?
Hello everyone! Only just last night I was thinking about Lego Universe what a shame that it was shut down, it was the most fun I’ve ever had playing an MMO. But then I found this and I must say, I’m stoked! I can see that the project is still quite a ways off till completion, but I’ll be patiently waiting and rooting for it all the while!
Um… Hello.
Not sure where else to write this, so I thought I’d just hijack this post for a moment.
Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone could give me any information about LUNI’s contact with LEGO.
I’m interested in finding out how LUNI acquired rights to use the LEGO name and if they were given any source code by LEGO. Most of all, I would like to know what the LUNI Server Crew included in their emailed proposition to LEGO.
I ask purely to see where I stand (if at all) with bringing MLN (My LEGO Network) back.
LUNI never acquired the rights to use the LEGO name. The only thing LUNI ever did was email LEGO customer service and ask if they could. Essentially as long as it was non profit project they could.
@Revise I never sent them an e-mail to begin with. This is a screenshot of the mail I received:
P.S. We never „acquired rights“ to use the LEGO trademark, only reminded of regular LEGO trademark policy and given a specific disclaimer to mention. No source code or anything like that.
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